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Weekend Work

Weekend Work

This weekend was not the best, and yet not the worst. I did not get my workouts done per schedule, but did manage to get the furnace fixed after a day of running around. Saturday I took for play with my little one and recovery, and Sunday was another day back at work. Back at it early this morning as well, but I’m hoping to catch a workout in the PM if all goes well today.

Do not try this at home...




Today I was in early for a run  after a late spin last night. A 12 hour shift later, my Uber driver pulls up to my house and goes, “Where is your driveway?” to which I respond, “Great question!”

My ice caked driveway has been covered with large snow drifts. Mean looking snow devils licked across the banks as though I had just l arrived on Hoth. My empty garbage can’s lid whipped, clanging as I trudged up to my door. Without a snow blower, I turned around after a quick change, and plowed out a path by hand with a shovel and prayed it would be enough for my wife the next day. This counts as cardio. Period. Passing out after two back to back shifts to prepare myself for a loaded day. I know I won’t get a morning run in, but since I haven’t seen my little one in more than two days, I’ll be going home to chase her tomorrow after work. Diet will be parimount. 


Sleeper Agent


Sleeper Agent

Literally my best accomplishment yesterday was going to bed when my body was calling for it. Espresso yesterday only made me functional, serving to simply re-focusing my fuzzy eyes. As soon as I read to my little one that night, I spent 15 minutes with my partner before going to bed around 7:30pm. Falling alseep by 8PM with a sleepy pill was glorious. This morning I woke up at 5AM to my alarm, but I’m afraid the pill had a drowsy effect that put me back under until my next alarm at 5:50AM. Wow, I must have needed that! 

Suited up with a workout bag that was already packed, I headed out over the snow-covered ice to the bus. Today will be a quick lunch run with an after work swim. I’ll need to make up the 45 min spin, but that might have to come this weekend or chunkated over the next few days with some extra morning or night crunch sets. Right now I’m not necessarily concerned about reps, it’s all about endurance, duration, and consistency. 

As much as I hated getting off slightly yesterday, I feel successful having listened to my body and preparing myself to double down and hit it hard today.  

 After a marathon 12 hour day, I spun in the garage for over an hour. Done!



Week 1 - ATP 2019


Week 1 - ATP 2019

Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at 10.36.24 PM.png

Week 1 of a 30 week countdown to NUT 50K in Oregon. Planned 9 hour/week, 360 hour annual training plan (ATP) using TrainingPeaks and tracking with Garming 920XT.
