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5 Degree - Pant Weather


5 Degree - Pant Weather

The heat wave has passed. It’s time to bundle up again, so let’s reflect on yesterday. Monday’s are easy. When you have the weekend to prep, it’s easy to adhere to a schedule as seen below:


 When one gets home later than wanted, and has less time with the family, it’s easy to want to spend some extra time with them. I allowed myself to stay up until about 9:30pm, instead of winding down at 8/8:30pm. This snowballed to me prepping for the next day later and not getting to bed until about 10:45pm, and not falling asleep until a little later. With an alarm set daily for 5AM, this was just a little too much for me to pop out of bed this morning. 

There is a balance of being rested and being burned out. Today I’ll have to readjust to get more sleep and get back to 5AM tomorrow. Now to plan how to keep all of my planned activities green:

I have the luxery of being able to possibly adjust today. Maybe run over my lunch or right after work. It was tough getting the extra 15 min strength training completed, so perhaps as it gets warmer I’ll work on getting up closer to 4:30AM to check-off before going to the gym for my morning swim and run. 

I also struggled not having a dinner shake. After the extra workout, I had a headache and felt I needed food when I came home. I’ll work on tracking food more closely today, and sticking to my schedule:

  • 10oz Water Upon Wake (5AM)
  • Nutragen Shake Breakfast by 8AM
  • 10oz Water at 10AM
  • Sensible healthy lunch around 12PM
  • 10oz Water at 3PM
  • Nutragen Shake Dinner around 5PM
  • 10oz Water before bed around 8PM

Alas, try as I might and not surprisingly, I wasn’t able to get away from my work for a quick workout and the weather worsened, making me get home before a workout. On the bus ride home, I communicated with my partner about my hopes and expectations for the night to carve out 45 min to spin on the trainer instead. 

Update: yeah that didn’t happen either. No workout today, but I did have a shake for dinner and did well calorie-wise. Going to bed early tonight... 
