Viewing entries tagged

FTP Too Low


FTP Too Low

Ok, I got confirmation that I must have the virtual trainer setting off, which made my FTP (Functional Threshold Power) too low because todays spin was waaay too easy. I don’t think I’ll even be sore at all after an hour ride. I might have to do another ramp up test and then launch into the fun I have planned. I’ve plotted out all my trainer-road created workouts into TrainingPeaks, so that I can simply load them to my Garmin. I also plotted out the goals by week, ATP, and by training season. Getting excited!


Week 1 - ATP 2019


Week 1 - ATP 2019

Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at 10.36.24 PM.png

Week 1 of a 30 week countdown to NUT 50K in Oregon. Planned 9 hour/week, 360 hour annual training plan (ATP) using TrainingPeaks and tracking with Garming 920XT.
