Sunshine all the time makes a desert.
— Arabic proverb

Today I had to reprogram some of the timing to make sure there was enough time for the transitions. I aimed for intermittent fasting and started around 8:30am and ate through until about 5:00 pm, logging all of my food along the way on MyFitness Pal. 1,500 calories and felt good with only a slight headache wanting to come on in the morning as well as at night. In the morning I completed the PT circuit and a 1 mile run (no yoga). During my lunch break, I did a set of squats 3 x 225 x 10. This should have been a warm-up, but I don’t want to jump in too quick in case I have a weak link. Slow and steady…I’m adding a sleep aid at night to get the earlier sleep time dialed in, and look forward to another productive day tomorrow!
