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Pedaling Through Grief


Pedaling Through Grief

As I sit here, sweat-drenched and breathless, the hum of the tacx bike trainer slowly fading down the background, I find myself reflecting on the journey that brought me to this moment. Just a few short days ago, the very idea of getting back into a workout routine felt like an insurmountable obstacle, an impossible feat in the wake of losing my precious baby. Yet here I am, pedaling through the pain, one revolution at a time.

I know the road back to fitness after such a profound loss will be anything but smooth. A small interruption from my kids has me jumping off early to give them an embrace. There have been days when even the thought of stepping onto this bike felt like too much to bear, days when the weight of grief threatened to drag me under. But there have also been moments of triumph, of clarity, of love, of fleeting glimpses of the person I used to be before my world was shattered.

Today's ride was one of those moments. As I pushed myself to go just a little bit faster, to pedal just a little bit harder through the pain I still feel constant in my chest, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me. For those precious minutes, the grief and the guilt faded into the background, replaced by the steady rhythm of my heartbeat and the rush of wind against my skin.

But even as I reveled in the sense of freedom that came with each pedal stroke, I couldn't escape the reminders of what I have lost. The echoing silence of the guest room with a scent of fresh paint that days ago been a nursery, the knowledge that no matter how fast or how far I ride, I can never outrun the ache in my heart.

And yet, amidst the struggle, there is also a glimmer of hope as I pedal towards an uncertain future while being reminded that healing is a journey and an exploration of the soul. It's not about reaching some arbitrary finish line or achieving some unattainable level of perfection. It's about finding moments of joy and solace amidst the sorrow, about honoring the memory of the one I have lost by living my life to the fullest.

So I will continue to pedal, to push myself beyond my limits, to embrace the pain and the joy and the bittersweet beauty of it all. Because in the end, it's not about how fast or how far I ride, but about the courage it takes to keep moving forward, one revolution at a time. And for today, that's enough.





Back in the sweet spot…

Lungs came back with flea this morning, wife is out for the count with a migraine…What a day…


Bike - Breakthrough


Bike - Breakthrough

My locus amoenus…

2 Hour Spin on Trainer Road… Getting stronger on the meds…. Lungs maybe 75-85%, but getting better…

  • 16 days (over half the month) unproductive due to prolonged chest cold that has endured the month of February due to stress/work.

  • Doubled February hours from 2020: Success!

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1 Hour Spin on Trainer Road… Getting work done…

Dreaming of warmer weather…





20 Min Spin on Trainer Road… Felt tough…

Imagine your happy place…





1 Hour Trainer Road… Felt good…

Imagine oneself going on an adventure, and then start plotting it out…





30 Min Trainer Road… Something is better than nothing…Can’t wait for the thaw to go on an adventure…


Ramp - 264 FTP


Ramp - 264 FTP

Ouch. Seated (maybe 20 seconds at the end to see if I could get legs to move). Legs said, “Shut up, body.” Phrase copy-righted. All rights reserved. Move over Jens Voigt…





Up early with the kiddo, and got a late start. Vaccine has been kicking my butt too, so just got through it today.





45 min spin. Turned down FTP% by about 15%. Let’s ease into the week, and not overdo it.



Baseline - Ouch


Baseline - Ouch

2012 Hawaii 70.3


My buddy came down to pace me for a baseline indoor Tri at about 30% of the race. Looking back at our last 70.3 together in Hawaii, we pulled our splits to have some goals to shoot for. Ideally if we could cut 30 minutes off our time and be under 6 hours, we’d be happy.

I felt it quick into the swim, but we averaged around 1:25 over 500. I’m good with that. Build some endurance, and we’re there.

After a slow transition, the bike hurt after half way through. Heart felt good, but legs started to get sluggish. So much so that the run slowed me down.

We’ve got a baseline, and talked strategy to keep us going over the first month to sediment our new regimen. After about a day, I’ve plotted out most of the workouts, and now we just have to execute.


Pushing Past


Pushing Past

Today again with the workout too easy, I shot past my marks. I believe I’ll have to do another ramp test to get a more accurate FTP. In the meantime, I’m also noticing that my signal drops cyclically. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to upgrade to power, and could rely on the virtual power calculations, but this is a little annoying. The nice part is that the game of trying to keep within the numbers distracts from the workout. An hour and a half went by quick!


FTP Too Low


FTP Too Low

Ok, I got confirmation that I must have the virtual trainer setting off, which made my FTP (Functional Threshold Power) too low because todays spin was waaay too easy. I don’t think I’ll even be sore at all after an hour ride. I might have to do another ramp up test and then launch into the fun I have planned. I’ve plotted out all my trainer-road created workouts into TrainingPeaks, so that I can simply load them to my Garmin. I also plotted out the goals by week, ATP, and by training season. Getting excited!
