Getting Sick
30 Min Trainer Road… Something is better than nothing…Can’t wait for the thaw to go on an adventure…
Getting Sick
Trying to be productive…Hoping not to over-do it with my lungs filled up with snot…Picture oneself feeling strong…
Getting Sick
40 Min Trainer Road… Trying to make up hours…. Looking forward to spring…
40 min to try to make up for being unproductive and being sick… Picture imagining myself at the end of the year…
40 min to try to make up for being unproductive and being sick… Picture imagining myself at the end of the year…
1 Hour Trainer Road… Had some energy. Imaging being here one day…
1 hour to get the blood moving… Picture imagining myself at the end of the year…
No Excuses
20 min just to get on and move… Pic of what it felt like…
No Excuses
Light Walk/Jog this morning to recover from yesterday. Re-adjusting week to prep for success
Spot on. Great training week. Met all training requirements according to plan. Had to adjust, but met my goal, and can see the consistency coming together. Met goal of exceeding previous month # of training hours. I’m excited to keep this momentum with small habitual changes. Watched the “What is TSS” TrainerRoad video and posted below for nice overview.
Lazy day. Pushing workout to tomorrow. Family & Chores today. New book and reading to the kiddos…
Getting it done. Feels right since FTP adjustment.
Adjusting schedule for big work day.
Hour spin group ride with a friend on TR. makes the time fly. Felt good. FTP adjustment needed.