I was sick for roughly 3 weeks, but allowed myself to fall into the trap of allowing myself to fully neglect the work I had been doing for the past few months to establish good habits. Now that my wife and I are better, we are re-affirming our resolutions by throwing out all of the crap in the cupboards and buying strictly veggies, fruit, and a few lean meats. After investing in a Garmin Index Scale for my parents, we have weighed in to get our base line, and will do so in a month after we have gotten back on track. Our goal: finish the week without slipping or cheating once. No carbs, sugars, or crap. I spent the day shopping, planning and prepping. Here's a preview of the butternut squash soup I made for the week. The workout bag is packed, and I'm set for another week of good habits. It's time to hit restart, and kick into full swing as we approach the end of February.