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30 Days of Fun begins now...
“Today’s Workout:
Swim 2,200yds
“Today’s Workout:
Bench 3 x 12 x 135lb
Squat 3 x 12 x 225lb
Swim 2,900yds”
“Today’s Workout:
Bench 3 x 12 x 135lb
Squat 3 x 12 x 225lb
Swim 3,100yds
When you're beastly and you know it, clap your hands!
When your brain stops working because you've eaten too few calories, or you feel pain that is different from muscle soreness, take a day to stop and regroup.
Some days it's about intensity, others it's about survival.
“They say every 7 years, your nervous system has completely regrown with new cells, so in a way, I am a new man.”
Year after year many of us make our New Years resolutions, join a gym, and within a few months are back to our old ways. It is the strength of someone’s resolve, though, that carries them through the new year...
Your character is defined by your habits, your habits are built upon your repeated actions, and the good news is, you have the power to change what you do. We all have something in our lives we want to change, but nothing is going to happen unless we do something about it. I know you have something you want to, nay, you need to fight for, and the first step starts by voicing what that is...