“It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.”
“Train insane or remain the same.”
“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work gains success. Greatness will come.”
“Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind that you have to convince.”
“No pain, no gain. Shut up and train.”
Of course it’s hard.
It’s supposed to be hard. It it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great.
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily.”
“First we make our habits, then our habits make us.”
“Eighty percent of success is showing up.”
“Life is based on perception,
Perception is based on opinion,
Opinion is based on thought,
Thought comes from the mind.
Change your mind , change your life.”
“Never judge a book by its movie.”
“A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.”
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
Back on the horse. After a few weeks of sickness and stress, I’ve oscilated a little with the diet. Today is just over 224, taking me in the wrong direction. Time to hit it hard to get to 222 this week. The biggest indicator for me is my bed time. If I’m in at 8:30, I’ll be to sleep by 9pm and up at 5am. Today I woke before my alarm ready to get after it. Bag packed with work clothes and workout gear on, I have my Nutragen shakes prepped for the week for dinner. I’ll do a little running each morning just to get a grip back on the habit. The primary focus is the bed time and ~8 hr sleep. I don’t have a choice now. In a month I’ll start my MBA program and won’t have much of a buffer. If I get the sleep, everything else will fall into place. Secondary goal is to stick to my shakes and trust that they will fulfill my hunger when I’m itching for something and hangry this week. The key with this is to keep hydrated throughout. Timers set and Yeti prepped.
Workout: 1 mil warm up, decline abs, leg press - ladder up to 5 plates (450lb woot!)
195 DAYS
0.276 Pounds (969Cal Deficit) a Day
This needs to be my goal. Every day for the next half a year…
With a basal metabolic rate (BMR) of 2,184, my deficit would leave me at 1,215Cal/day.
From Diet alone, this would leave me with about 2 x 350 Cal Shakes (breakfast and dinner) and a sensible 515 Cal Lunch.
Adding workouts, I could replace only these calories with a bar, or protein and carb replacement.
Starting from 240#, I recognize that I’m aiming at a 27% Total Body Weight Loss TBWL. I’m currently at 4% TBWL. 2 pounds is almost 1% TBWL, so each week counts and counts big. Today’s the day. The biggest thing I need to do to ensure that I meet my goal is simply to track. Knowing that taking 2 minutes per day to log this data, I’ll change my habits and awareness. If the investment of 15 minutes a day in logging is my only barrier, it seems like the easiest thing I can do compared to running on a treadmill for an hour to try to burn off that treat from Caribou coffee. Unless it’s a straight-up Americano, Caribou is a waste of $5 and is a 1 hour workout… NOT WORTH IT.
I’ll follow the Nutragen cleanse over the next month and see my results.
Although I’ve used MyFitnessPal in the past, I think I’ll try MyPlate due to the great layout. Here’s a review and nice overview for anyone unfamiliar with these types of apps.
Hit the gym as planned today. About 6 miles accomplished. Reading for work on the treadmill is not easy, but doable. Chafing legs reminds me that I’m fat. Duration and cardio at a fat-burning zone is the key here in the beginning. Consistency and dieting will help me ramp up the engine in a couple weeks. Under 230# this morning, and have vowed to NEVER be this heavy again. BMI 32, so I’m technically OBESE. At 211#, I’ll crossover to overweight. 19 pounds at 2 pounds a week is 9.5 weeks or just over 2 months. March and April. Consistency and Dedication. It will take me the entire spring and summer to get me down anywhere close to a BMI of 25, but here’s for trying!
Also today:
Bought a new snowblower, and had delivered before the storm hits tonight. Should be about a foot of snow by tomorrow. Bring it on!
Brought to you by Toro…But if they see this, I’m open to sponsorship!
First day of daddy daughter solo time, and managing work from home has been challenging. Keeping my little one busy playing in the snow as I shovel has allowed me to get some cardio, but is not the training I had in mind. Tomorrow We’ll plan to hit the gym and daycare.
When life gives you lemons….make a Tom Collins… Then just stare at it until your work is done.
Right when I thought things were going to let up at work, and allow for me to get back to a normal routine, the team got a curveball. This morning I wasn’t able to get a workout in before work, but last night I did get a workout moving piles and piles of snow. I’ll run my little one this weekend sledding and plan to get my cardio that way. Until then, it’s virgin Tom Collins and shakes until I lose the weight I need to. When you can’t get a workout in, do some sit-ups and pivot.
Gear prepped for a quick workout in the AM (run). Shake put together. Today will be a good day. Time to get on top of work and start getting back to “normal”. This weekend will be daddy-daughter solo time Friday, Sat, and Sunday. Can’t wait!
My partner leaves today. Enlisting family for help. 10 min spin at 10pm is a win for today. Prepped for morning workout.