So I checked out the new Freewheel Bike Shop in Roseville yesterday and it was AWESOME!! Mario took me on a tour of the shop, and probably had to get a mop afterwards from the trail of drool left behind me. There they have an awesome room built just for their Trek precision fit machine that is loaded up with sensors and cameras. It’s $250 to get all dialed in, but looks worth it.
Now yesterday I promised my morning routine. It starts like this:
8pm the night before - Alarm goes off to go to bed. Turn the lights low, and get in bed to try to fall asleep. On nights my mind is particularly awake, I take a melatonin supplement to put me over the edge.
4:30am - Alarm goes off. I’m still working on jumping out as soon as I hear it, but at the moment have been allowing myself to contemplate the matter (not a good habit).
Grab my Lycra to cover my butt, throw on a sweatshirt, and head on down with my phone to open the Garmin app and load my TraininPeaks workout with the 935.
Grab a quick pit stop at the rest room and start workout by 4:45am
The heater is already set to warm the garage at 4:15am to cut the October chill to 60 degrees by the time I come down.
All I have to do is tighten up my wheel, turn on a show and get going. My work bench is lined with sports drinks to keep me hydrated. One a day as a treat to reward myself for getting up.
Timed lift 15 min (If I’m late for any reason, I scrap the lift)
Timed spin 45min
The outlet that my heater and TV is set on is timed to go off at 5:45am so that I can’t dawdle and stay too late.
Next Im up to take a shower, weigh myself on my Garmin Index scale, clean up and get dressed. Going through the same motions, putting my stuff in the same place, makes it possible so I don’t have to think (or really even open my eyes) as I put one foot in front of the other. I’m able to shower, eat, and get out the door in roughly half an hour, but sometimes my little one wakes and I get a chance to see her before I leave. So for now, that’s where I’m off to!