There’s no denying it on a transparent public platform, I took a few days off this weekend to celebrate my wife’s birthday. There wasn’t much I could have done on Friday as we needed to pack the car and get on the road. Once we arrived at grandmas that evening after work, our little one decided to have a night where she refused to sleep.
By the time we left to enjoy a nice day away at a winery, exploring a quaint little town, and retiring early to a bed and breakfast, we were already spent. There was simply no room to add in a workout. Even on those days though, I know at the very least I could have done a few sit-ups or calf raises while I brushed my teeth, and to that I’m guilty of doing nothing. We slept great that night, and in the morning was a travel day back. I guess I could count the 20 minutes helping a friend move a couch as a workout, but that would be a stretch. It wasn’t planned, and it certainly didn’t make up for the couple hours of cardio I missed due to the weekend. I should have known and put it into my workout plan on Sunday. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t indulged over the weekend, but I did and both the scale and my waisteline paid for it.
As I laid Sunday night in bed, I thought about getting up like I would have as a young lad, setting up my trainer and spinning until the clock turned over to the next day. And I’m sure I could have, but at what price? Would I wake up late the next day, be ornery and drive my wife crazy? Would I risk burning out before the week even started? I’m playing the long game, and it wasn’t an excuse. I kept my alarm set, and strengthened my resolve to kit it hard in the AM.
My guilt set in and had me up before 4AM, so I rolled with it, and here I am. My heater is working hard to keep up with the chill. When I came down it read only 50 degrees as my watch reports that it is 37 outside. It’s only warmed up to 52, so we will see if this little guy can keep up with demand.
The squat started initially with an endurance lift for perfect-form at 3 x 25 x 95lbs. The next week I upped the reps to 30, and this week I’ve upped the weight to what used to be my standard warm-up of 135 lbs. This was just enough to not only get my heart rate up, but to feel my quads brace. The first week had felt loose, but now my base feels sturdy again. It will be a few weeks until I build up my endurance strength until I cycle through and switch over to a standard or power lift.
The spin was good this morning. 1.5 Hours to start the week right. I’ll resolve to plan this week knowing I’ll be out of town this weekend. Perhaps I’ll have to start 4AM workouts to make up the difference...