Bats and Bliss


Bats and Bliss

Although a week long chest cold has taken me away from my morning workouts, I did get out for one 6 mile run this week while on-event in Sioux Falls, SD. 74 degrees and a calm breeze pushed me along the path as the sun dipped out of sight. With the vision of curling up into bed early fading, my reality became consumed with the twilight sourrounding me. Following the curves of the stream under the suns last rays, my winged friends came out to feast on river bugs that flurry through the night. Diving through the air, I picked up speed until I began to fly among them. One, two, three bugs I swallowed as I thudded along over a metal bridge with wooden planks drumming as I went. Breathing to the cadence in-2, 3, out-2, 3 to the trance of six more pounds dripping out my pores.  The equation is simple: one foot, then the other, until the habit begins to flow, and pretty soon you're riding the wave of the bat brigade.


Sustenance - Green Machine


Sustenance - Green Machine

"We'll put our baby in day care," we thought.  "We'll feel refreshed after a good workout," we thought. We didn't expect that our baby would bring home a barbarian cold that would knock us on our asses. After a week, mine had formed a sinus infection requiring antibiotics. So after a nice long break, I start again with a cleanse. Good sleep, good eats, and I'll ease back into activity. Mostly green smoothies with mindful dinners this week. 
